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1 bedroom - Kookaburra Homes.
Modular Kit Houses,Manufactured Homes-PreFab Housing,Kit Homes. 'P' PODS are designed to be a quality solution for quick re-housing after natural disasters.. MODABODE of Australia has designed the ABODE, a stunning new housing.
Australia - Prefabcosm.
Jun 16, 2012. Affordable Modular Granny Flat Kits available Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. . From $12,800 - Australia's BEST value for money Home!
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Attractive kit homes designed by Connect 2 Homes Kit Homes.Eco Mod Pod - The affordable Granny Flat Kits Solution.
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[Previous]:2 Bedroom Kit Home - DongGuan Hayal Modular Co., Ltd.
Jun 16, 2012. Affordable Modular Granny Flat Kits available Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. . From $12,800 - Australia's BEST value for money Home!
Welcome to Kookaburra Homes..where you will discover the best quality you have ever. Kit Homes Mining Accommodation. TRANSPORTING TO Australia.
Gateway Homes offer an exciting and wide range of revolutionary modular homes. system allows us to build your home just about anywhere in Australia.
With affordable housing a growing issue in Australia, Emjaro has focused on the needs of a. With the Time and Money you save in the construction of your POD, you now have a. 5 Critical Mistakes people make when buying a Kit Home.
Hayal Bathroom Pod Work with Modular Home in Australia - China.
Life in Brief: Spaces: Kit Homes.
Modular Houses-PreFab Housing Modular Construction.